Safe Street Advocacy

A safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists is within reach! South Pas Active Streets will advocate for changes to make that future a reality. Unfortunately, the country as a whole has long prioritized the automobile over all other modes of transit. The result is more fatalities and injuries, while peer countries in Asia and Europe enjoy safer streets than ever before. Many of the best solutions are quite simple: build a city that prioritizes walk/bike safety over auto speed and convenience.

Closer to home, we've seen Pasadena take big steps in this direction. The results are clear: people are happier and healthier, businesses benefit, and communities are thriving. We want South Pasadena to build this better future.

Get Involved in South Pasadena

Your voice matters. Small cities like ours are very attentive to public feedback! Contact us if you are interested in makin a public comment. There are two important venues for our mission:

Research on Complete and Safe Streets Policies

credit: Lauren Pearson, Danielle Berkovic, Sandy Reeder, Belinda Gabbe & Ben Beck (2022) Adults’ self-reported barriers and enablers to riding a bike for transport: a systematic review, Transport Reviews, DOI: 10.1080/01441647.2022.2113570