Bike Bus

It started with the Bike and Walk to School day in 2022 and now is a weekly Bike Bus ride to Arroyo Vista and Marengo Elementary schools. Each group will be led by chaperones to provide a safe, healthy option to get to and from school. Rides take place every Tuesday, unless otherwise noted.

Check our instagram or contact us at to stay informed.

Quick Facts


Arroyo Vista South - Kris Miller and Casey Law

Arroyo Vista North - Philipp Knopf and Jason Claypool

Marengo South - Frederick Eberhardt and Khairi Mdnor 

Marengo North - Mike Siegel

Riders assume risks by riding on the street. Ride leaders are present to increase safety by escoring the group, but are not responsible for rider safety.

Click on image to see interactive map.

More info on Bike Buses (Portland, OR)