South Pas Active Streets

Advocating for cyclists, pedestrians, and a more sustainable future.

South Pas Active Streets is a community organization working to strengthen our city by improving walkability and bikeability. Active transportation improves quality of life, contributes to our small town appeal, and is a core pillar of our city’s climate action plan. However, not all areas of South Pasadena are accessible by walking or riding a bike, as city design too often prioritizes driving speed over safety. We believe that every part of the city should be safe and accessible to people of all ages and abilities, and we aim to achieve that goal through community programs and advocacy. 

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Bike Bus in the July 4th Parade!

The July 4th parade is a South Pasadena tradition. The theme this year is "Hometown Heros: Celebrating the Spirit of Community". We thought that sounded like a great fit to the heroes that ride with the bike bus!

This year was a blast - tons of kids and parents joined alongside AV and Marengo mascots Whiskers and Mango!

Grand Bike Lanes Stay!

Thanks to everyone who came to the council meeting to have your voice be heard.  Its a small piece, but a big message, and just the start of pushing for safe all-ages/all-abilities multi-modal options in our city.

For coverage, see: 

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